How to reach The Depth in Roblox Fisch

In the latest Roblox Fisch update, there’s an exciting new area you can explore called The Depths. However, finding this place can be a bit tricky, and you need to complete certain tasks before you can open the door and get inside. The Depths comes with fresh content, including new entries for your bestiary.

Let’s go through a straightforward guide to help you find and enter The Depths.

Getting to The Depths
Step 1: Watch for the Strange Whirlpool

To begin your journey, you need to wait for the Strange Whirlpool to appear. This special area, The Depths, is located in the Vertigo. The game will notify you when the whirlpool appears. Once you see the notification, head over to the whirlpool and jump into it.

Step 2: Travel to Specific Coordinates

After you enter the whirlpool, you’ll need to travel to these coordinates: (-13.7, -706.1, 1230.9). Another way to find The Depths is by parkouring around the Vertigo and moving towards the right side of the region. Either way, these paths will lead you directly to the door of The Depths.

Opening the Door
When you reach the door to The Depths, you’ll find an NPC (Non-Player Character) sitting beside it. Interact with the NPC, and they will tell you the requirements to unlock the door and enter The Depths. Here’s what you need to do:

Complete 100% of the Vertigo Bestiary

Obtain The Depths’ Key

Both tasks involve fishing in the Vertigo. The NPC will let you know that The Depths’ Key is hidden somewhere in the waters of the Vertigo, and the only way to find it is by fishing. So, grab your fishing rod and start catching everything you can in this location.

Exploring The Depths
Once you meet the requirements and open the door, you will need to complete an obstacle course (obby) to move forward. Successfully completing the obby will take you to a convenient fishing spot within The Depths.

What Can You Catch in The Depths?
The Depths is home to a variety of unique and interesting creatures. Here’s a list of fish you can catch in this area:

Deep-sea Dragonfish

Rarity: Common

Bait: Deep Coral

Time: Night

Deep-sea Hatchetfish

Rarity: Common

Bait: Seaweed Bait

Time: Night

Depth Octopus

Rarity: Uncommon

Bait: Coral

Time: Day

Luminescent Minnow

Rarity: Uncommon

Bait: Seaweed Bait

Time: Night

Season: Spring

Frilled Shark

Rarity: Uncommon

Bait: Fish Head

Time: Night

Three-eyed Fish

Rarity: Uncommon

Bait: Seaweed Bait

Time: Night

Goblin Shark

Rarity: Rare

Bait: Fish Head

Time: Night

Season: Spring/Summer

Black Dragon Fish

Rarity: Rare

Bait: Deep Coral

Time: Night

Spider Crab

Rarity: Rare

Bait: Deep Coral

Time: Day

Season: Summer

Ancient Eel

Rarity: Legendary

Bait: Coral Baits

Time: Night

Season: Spring/Summer

Small Spine Chimera

Rarity: Legendary

Bait: Seaweed Bait

Time: Day

Season: Spring/Summer


Rarity: Legendary

Bait: Night Shrimp Bait

Time: Night

Season: Spring/Summer

Mutated Shark

Rarity: Mythical

Bait: Fish Head

Time: Night

Season: Winter

Sea Snake

Rarity: Mythical

Bait: Fish Head

Time: Night

Season: Winter

Ancient Depth Serpent

Rarity: Event

Bait: Truffle Worm

Time: Night

Fishing in The Depths is an exciting adventure with many unique and rare creatures to catch. Make sure you use the correct bait for each type of fish to increase your chances of success.

Reaching The Depths in Roblox Fisch may seem challenging, but with this guide, you’ll have a clear path to follow. Keep an eye out for the Strange Whirlpool, complete your Vertigo Bestiary, and fish for The Depths’ Key. Once you gain access, enjoy exploring the new content and catching all the unique fish the area has to offer.

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